“Monster Playground” stands as the first art installation in the form of a playground in Indonesia, created to mark the arrival of BXc Mall 2. Crafted by artist Darbotz in collaboration with our studio, this groundbreaking art installation received full support from BXc Mall.
Inspired by the artist’s child’s response to visuals—characterized by cartoon-like, flexible, and joyful elements—the concept of the playground emerged. The vibrant and contrasting colors often seen in the child’s drawings further influenced the development of the “Monster Playground.” Darbotz believes that every child deserves happiness and freedom in play, shaping the essence of this unique artistic creation.
Inspired by the artist’s child’s response to visuals—characterized by cartoon-like, flexible, and joyful elements—the concept of the playground emerged. The vibrant and contrasting colors often seen in the child’s drawings further influenced the development of the “Monster Playground.” Darbotz believes that every child deserves happiness and freedom in play, shaping the essence of this unique artistic creation.